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Bio TKA Soil Humic Plus is a soil improver with a high concentration of humic acids. Humic acids are a group of complex organic compounds that occur naturally in the soil. They improve the structure of the substrate, which facilitates the transport of minerals, but also optimize the absorption quality of the roots, stimulate the activity of micro-organisms and can be used as a natural soil pollutant.


Bio TKA Soil Humic Plus can be administered to improve the soil quality for a new cycle and to purify the soil from any contaminants or salt residues.


  • Formulated for cultivation on organic substrates and soils (soil, coconut, etc.)

  • Mixable with all fertilizers and additives

  • Environmentally friendly and safe for humans and animals

  • Dilution: 1:200 (5 ml./ L. water)

  • Dosage: once every 7 days during all stages of development (as needed)

  • Available in 1 L and 5 L.


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